When a worker qualifies for vocational retraining, they identify a job goal and develop a retraining plan with their vocational rehabilitation counselor (VRC). The training provider/school must be pre-approved by L&I. The VRC also helps the worker understand the vocational process and their training options. The VRC submits the plan to L&I for approval.

Once approved, the worker has two options:

Vocational Option 1

  • The worker can choose the L&I-approved retraining plan and continue working with the VRC.
  • Retraining funds are available and the worker has up to 2 years to complete their plan.

Vocational Option 2

  • The worker can choose the L&I approved plan or develop their own educational path.
  • The school or training provider must be an approved L&I provider. L&I does not need to approve the curriculum.
  • Retraining funds are available and the worker has up to 5 years to use the funds.
  • Workers can use up to 10% of their funds to hire a VRC to assist them with developing a plan and/or finding a job.

For more information