Latest News for Vocational Providers

July 2024

Project HELP webinar registration

The Survey Says – Knowing next steps is key

Reminder: Intern supervisor expectations due July 31, 2024

June 2024 

Counselor Kudos: Marti Riemer, Rainier Case Management

Provider Billing Clarification

Is your report in the claim file?

L&I's Interpreter Scheduling System, WordBridge, Goes Live June 17

Vocational retraining fund adjustment – 2% increase

Setting up accounts in the new interpreter system, SOSi

Project HELP Webinar

May 2024

Counselor Kudo: Darlene Janson, Peninsula Vocational Services

Re-Employment Specialists update

Verify your firm's mailing address

SAVE THE DATE: Quality Assurance Leadership Conference

VRC Kudo!

Update on pharmacy billing

Out-of-state and out-of-country hub goes LIVE

Request archived news

Email to request archived What's New postings.

Project HELP webinar registration

July 9, 2024

We’d like to give you a heads-up about registering for the Project HELP webinar set for noon on Wednesday, Aug. 14. Registration for the webinar is now open. This message will be shared with all vocational rehabilitation counselors (VRCs) and interns tomorrow. Please encourage your team members to register and attend the webinar, if possible.

Registered participants with confirmed attendance will receive one continuing education unit (CEU) for CRC and CDMS.

Jessica Gallardo, executive director of Project HELP, will discuss the services the program provides for workers. Project HELP offers unbiased, no-cost assistance with workers’ compensation and is jointly administered by the Washington State Labor Council, AFL-CIO, and L&I. For over 35 years, Project HELP has served as a valuable resource for workers, employers, unions, and vocational counselors. Visit Project HELP’s website at for more information.

Project Help


Date: Wednesday August 14, 2024

Time: Noon – 1 p.m.

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.

Topics include:

  • How Project HELP supports workers and vocational rehabilitation counselors (VRC).
  • How Project HELP can be a useful resource for VRCs, particularly when facing challenges in worker engagement during the vocational process.
  • The unique role Project HELP plays in the field of workers compensation in Washington State.

Questions? Email

The Survey Says – Knowing next steps is key

July 5, 2024

In this edition of “The Survey Says,” we highlight that helping workers understand next steps is critical to building a trusting relationship and avoiding delays in return to work. Lack of role clarity and a confusing process can lead a worker to seek legal representation and create needless work disability.

Your efforts to help workers navigate next steps have been recognized and reflected in worker comments. Here’s what they say:

  • The counselor was invaluable in moving my case along to the next step. After months of issues, surgery, and treading water, they knew exactly what to do and were extremely effective as well as efficient in getting my case back on track.
  • I knew what would happen, what to do, how and when to do it, and what my options were.
  • My issues are very complicated, my counselor kept in touch and encouraged continual progress.
  • Always called to hear my progress and prepare me to what I need to do next.
  • My counselor was really amazing. I have been dealing with depression. He helped keep me on track with a lot of insights.
  • My counselor was a constant support, extremely responsive, and aided in getting paperwork moving along. It was comforting to know they had my back.
  • My counselor was able to get in touch with my claim manager to keep things moving.
  • My physical challenges and continual limitations hindered progress. She advised and instructed me on processes and made sure I kept my records updated for claim manager reviews.
  • Helped me to find a psychiatrist which was a great help to me. I am now taking the right medication and have the right psychiatric counselor.
  • My counselor listens and understands my situation. They are the one who got my case moving in the right direction and communicated with me every step of the way. I cannot put into words just how grateful I am. They saved my life.

Thank you for all that you do to keep workers moving forward.

We will continue to share comments from the worker survey to highlight meaningful counselor engagement.

For questions, email the Vocational Recovery Project.

Reminder: Intern supervisor expectations due July 31, 2024

July 1, 2024

This is a reminder to submit your updated Vocational Intern Supervisor Expectations by Wednesday, July 31, 2024. Send the completed forms to Private Sector Rehabilitation Services (PSRS) at

Intern supervisors use this form to record and report on their interns’ progress in demonstrating the skills developed through observation, participation, and supervised independent practice.

The form is completed and sent to L&I every six months during a person’s internship. This requirement only applies to interns assisting with State Fund referrals.

The supervisor initials and dates each skill the intern has successfully demonstrated. Both the intern supervisor and intern must sign the form.

If you have questions or concerns, email

Counselor Kudos: Marti Riemer, Rainier Case Management

June 27, 2027 

L&I’s message series, Counselor Kudos, recognizes the exceptional work of vocational rehabilitation counselors (VRC) and interns.

This kudo goes out to Marti Riemer, VRC with Rainier Case Management.

An injured worker sent an email to a firm manager with the following excerpts:

  • Marti has been the most incredible help I have ever had in my life. I am a veteran and when you have somebody treat you in such a manner, it makes you feel like you’re somebody.
  • She does truly mean the world to us. She has saved my life, and I would do anything to reward her.

Connecting with workers while they go through a complicated claims process can have profound impacts on their lives.

Thank you, Marti, for having a positive impact on this worker’s life.

Thank you to all other VRCs out there who embrace the worker-centric approach, and proactively addressing barriers to help them move their claims forward.

If you have a kudo to share, please email the Vocational Recovery Project.

Provider Billing Clarification

June 25, 2024

L&I is clarifying whether reimbursements can be made to medical providers for talking with vocational providers.

The Vocational Provider Summit on June 7, 2024 featured a Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) panel with Don Seese, from Washington Department of Veteran Affairs; L&I Assistant Medical Director, Dr. Jennifer Jutte, MPH, PhD; and L&I Deputy Assistant Director for Insurance Services Brenda Heilman.

During the discussion, the panelists encouraged vocational providers to talk with behavioral health intervention and mental health providers about the worker’s goals, needs, and next steps. Medical providers can be reimbursed for communicating with vocational providers as outlined in the Medical Aid Rules and Fee Schedule (MARFS), which identifies and describes the services that qualify for payment, as well as who must perform the services.

In addition, L&I’s educational flyer, “Return to Work is Good Medicine,” was created to help medical providers understand:

  • The benefits of communicating with vocational rehabilitation counselors (VRCs).
  • The value L&I places on communication.
  • That L&I compensates medical providers for their time.

Providing information in the right way at the right time is critical when working with medical providers. Please work with your VRCs to help them understand how the flier can be integrated into a more comprehensive communication strategy with medical providers.

For questions, email  

Is your report in the claim file?

June 24, 2024

Failure to submit required documentation, such as missing vocational closing reports, may delay claim progress and create payment issues for workers and employers. A fax confirmation is not a guarantee that the document is in the claim file. Vocational counselors are encouraged to regularly check the Claims and Account Center (CAC) to ensure their work products have been successfully received. If a report is not received, the consequences may include:

  • Delays in claim closure.
  • Delays in paying permanent partial disability awards.
  • Overpayments of time-loss benefits.
  • Employers missing important dates for refund periods.

Each day, L&I receives about 91,000 pages of documentation for imaging and uploading. Despite the high volume, documents are available in the claim file within three days. The error percentage is low, but if documents are lost or uploaded incorrectly, claim managers may not have the information they need to move the claim forward.

The billing and payments policy within MARFS Chapter 30 requires the vocational counselor to confirm closing reports are received in the claim file. However, reviewing CAC for all submitted work products, to identify missing documentation early, is a best practice for vocational counselors.

For questions, email the Vocational Recovery Project.

L&I's Interpreter Scheduling System, WordBridge, Goes Live June 17

June 17, 2024

After June 17, WordBridge must be the only method of securing an in-person interpreter. If you are unable to secure an interpreter through WordBridge, you may use the phone interpreter services provided by CTS Language Link. Medical and vocational providers can request on-demand, telephonic interpreter services through CTS Language Link through July 31st, 2024. Call one of the phone numbers below and have the claim ID and other necessary information ready.

Medical Providers: 877-626-0678

VOC Counselors: 844-303-7212

Activity Coaches: 844-303-5430

interpretingWorks will provide services for L&I through midnight today, June 14. 

This weekend, June 15 and 16, contact an L&I on-demand interpreter directly. You may find a list of approved L&I interpreters on our website or by calling CTS Language Link.  

L&I has heard valuable feedback over the last couple of weeks about the transition to the new system specifically, the need to have additional access points for medical and vocational providers to access interpreter services. As a result, SOSi will be rolling out a phone line for on-demand, offsite phone interpretation services. We will be sending a communication in the next month with more detail.

Instructions for providers who already set up a WordBridge account

If you responded to L&I’s request for information, SOSi has created your account in their system and the link to the WordBridge system is available in My L&I. Please complete the WordBridge approval process:

WordBridge Authorization Process for Requestors.

You can access the link (step 3) by selecting the down arrow next to your name on the top right corner of your My L&I dashboard. Then select +Get More Access, select medical or vocational provider, click continue, don’t enter the provider ID or NPI, under "Tasks you can do right away" you will see the link to “Schedule an Interpreter for an Appointment with a Patient.”

The authorization process may take up to two business days. SOSi will notify users via email when you are approved for access and can start booking requests for dates of service after June 17.

Instructions for providers who don’t have a WordBridge account

Please ensure that all users/requestors are registered in My L&I. Then, contact the L&I interpretation services team at Interpretation@Lni.Wa.Gov to complete a one-time intake form necessary to set up your account in the WordBridge system.

WordBridge training for providers

SOSi posted the training materials on their WordBridge page: Provider Instructions -

Contact SOSi for registration questions or concerns at:

You may also reach out to L&I’s Interpreter Services program at Interpretation@Lni.Wa.Gov

Vocational retraining fund adjustment – 2% increase

June 11, 2024

L&I’s annual vocational retraining fund adjustment for July 1, 2024 will increase by 2%. The retraining fund for plans approved on or after July 1, 2024 will be $20,602.66 (up from the current $20,198.68).

The adjustment is based on tuition information from the Washington State Board for Community and Technical Colleges, and the average cost of a two-year retraining plan.

The amount of the maximum training fund applies after the plan’s approval, regardless of whether a worker chooses Option 1 or Option 2.

The “Maximum retraining fund by year” table in the Guide to Retraining Plans will be updated on July 1, 2024, to reflect the increase.

Please send questions to the Vocational Recovery Project.

Setting up accounts in the new interpreter system, SOSi

June 10, 2024

WordBridge accounts need to be authorized in order for vocational providers to use the new scheduling system.

Instructions for providers who already set up a WordBridge account
If you responded to L&I’s request for information, SOSi already set up an account in WordBridge for each vocational provider in your firm. If you’re not sure whether your firm responded, please email to confirm that we received your information.

To initiate the authorization process and ensure the ability to schedule appointments before June 17, each user will need to click the link “Schedule an interpreter for an appointment with an injured worker” in My L&I by June 7. Then complete the steps of the WordBridge Authorization Process for Requestors.

The authorization process may take up to two business days. SOSi will notify users via email when you are approved for access and can start booking requests for dates of service from June 17 forward.

Instructions for providers who don’t have a WordBridge account
Please ensure that all users/requestors are registered in My L&I. Then contact the L&I interpretation services team at to complete a one-time intake form necessary to set up your account in the WordBridge system.

WordBridge training for providers
Initial orientation will be conducted remotely via recorded video training and step-by-step user guides. Providers and scheduling staff will be able to access the training materials as soon as they can access the scheduling system.

Contact SOSi for registration questions or concerns at:
• Email:
• Phone: 1-888-224-0126
You may also reach out to L&I’s Interpreter Services program at

Project HELP Webinar

June 3, 2024

Save the date and join L&I for an upcoming webinar at noon on Aug. 14, presented by Project HELP.

Representatives from Project HELP will talk about how the program supports workers and vocational rehabilitation counselors (VRC). Project HELP can be a useful resource for VRCs at different points during the claim process, particularly when facing challenges with client engagement in the vocational process.

More information about the webinar, including how to access it, will be coming soon.

Project HELP offers unbiased, no-cost assistance with workers’ compensation. For over 35 years, Project HELP has served as a valuable resource for workers, employers, unions, and vocational counselors. Visit Project HELP’s website at for more information.

Questions? Email

Counselor Kudo: Darlene Janson, Peninsula Vocational Services

May 21, 2024

L&I has a message series called Counselor Kudos to recognize the exceptional work of vocational rehabilitation counselors (VRCs) and interns in the vocational community.

Today’s kudo goes to Darlene Janson, a VRC intern at Peninsula Vocational Services.

Darlene helped a worker get a new job with a new employer. The worker sent in this message about Darlene:

“Thank you again for the positive impact you made in my life and for just being who you are. I have a wonderful job with full benefits, and its union. $31.07 an hour going on eight months now. So grateful for all the time you took in coaching me in the right direction. Forever grateful to you and the difference you made in my life!”

The worker was working part-time with the employer of injury but expressed frustration about being asked to perform tasks beyond her physical restrictions. The pain in her back was keeping her up at night.

The employer was using the attending provider’s Activity Prescription Form and was frustrated because the worker could not meet their job expectations. Darlene explained how a medically approved, light-duty job analysis or description could help. She also explained the Stay at Work program as an incentive.

Darlene learned the worker was showing improvement with physical therapy. The worker was diligent in her home exercise plan and was later released to full-time work without restrictions. Two days later the worker obtained a new position with a new employer. 

The VRC maintained meaningful engagement with the worker throughout the referral. Darlene’s emotional support and encouragement helped the worker seek new employment and avoid feeling stuck.

Darlene helped the worker feel empowered and motivated to take control and resolve her claim.  

Thank you, Darlene, for your hard work and dedication in helping workers heal and return to work!

If you have a kudo to share, please email the Vocational Recovery Project.

Re-Employment Specialists update

May 20, 2024

We want to let you know that L&I’s contract with the Washington State Employment Security Department to house re-employment specialists (RES) within Claims Administration is ending on June 30, 2024.

The re-employment specialists have been an important partner in our efforts to assist injured workers heal and return to work. The decision to end the contract was made due to the changing agency landscape, including the increase in the number of WorkSource vocational service specialists (VSSs), from four to 12; and our success in helping workers return to work through our vocational recovery referrals.

What happens now?

  • A transition plan has been developed to ensure workers are referred to the right resources.
  • The work of the RES (Beth Rokstad) will be picked up and managed mainly by WorkSource VSSs, who are based in the different WorkSource locations throughout the state.
  • Any active referrals remaining with the RES as of June 30, 2024, will be transferred to the WorkSource VSS team.

How to make a referral to a WorkSource VSS?

Questions? Email 

Verify your firm's mailing address

May 17, 2024

L&I is currently working on a solution to ensure mail is delivered to your firm’s mailing address, and not to your satellite offices. This will help assure timely delivery of your mail and reduce the number returned.

Please contact Private Sector Rehabilitation Services (PSRS) before July 1 if you’d like to verify that we have your correct firm mailing address. You can email or send a fax to (360) 902-6706.

Questions? Email

SAVE THE DATE: Quality Assurance Leadership Conference

May 15, 2024

L&I is hosting a Vocational Services Quality Assurance (QA) Leadership Conference on Wednesday, Sept. 18. The conference will take place at the L&I headquarters in Tumwater. Firms are expected to send at least one representative to the conference. Each firm is limited to three representatives due to room capacity. The conference is intended for owners and managers responsible for monitoring QA and who participate in QA validation meetings.

The all-day, in-person event features a retrospective look at the changes in vocational services over the years. Participants will discuss recent transformations in the system, examine behaviors that achieve results, and advance our shared commitment to continuous improvement.

The Vocational Recovery Advisory Committee (VRAC) is helping finalize the conference content and activities. In the meantime, please save the date for this important conference. To offer your input to the planning team, email the Vocational Recovery Project or contact a member of VRAC.

VRC Kudo!

May 9, 2024

We’d like to share with our community partners some wonderful feedback from a worker about their experience with vocational services.

Michelle Jackson and Jennifer Main, vocational counselors from Applied Case Management, received praise from the worker. The worker submitted the following message to the claim adjudicator:

Subject: My wonderful vocational counselors!

As I am nearing the end of my LNI journey (fingers crossed) I wanted to shout out to my vocational counselors, Michelle & Jen. They have been so available through this whole process – even when I’m calling multiple times a day, emotional from stress. Michelle is so proactive & such a wonderful advocate for her clients & Jen is one of the warmest & most helpful people I’ve ever met. Both are fantastic listeners & voices of reason & positive guidance. If there is a “Voc Counselor of the Month” program, would you please nominate them on my behalf?

Thank you so much!

It’s fantastic to hear and share positive feedback like these. Thank you, Michelle and Jennifer, for your work!

L&I is always appreciative of the collaborative relationships established during vocational services. We thank all of our vocational providers for the work you do every day!

For questions or a counselor kudo to share, please email the Vocational Recovery Project.

Update on pharmacy billing

May 2, 2024

As you may have heard, L&I (and insurers across the country) recently experienced challenges paying pharmacies.  We are glad to announce that pharmacies are now able to bill L&I. Vocational counselors are not impacted. However, please keep this in mind should workers express any related concerns about their pharmacies. 

Please send all inquiries to the Preferred Drug List (PDL) Hotline, by calling 888-443-6798 extension 1, or by sending email to Staff will support you directly.  

For more information, visit the L&I Drugs and Prescriptions web page.

Out-of-state and out-of-country hub goes LIVE

May 1, 2024

The hub for out-of-state/country (OOS/C) referrals for each firm activated on May 1, 2024.

If you have counselors attached to the hub, you are now eligible to receive new referrals for workers who are currently residing outside of Washington State.

If you do not have counselors attached to the hub, you will not receive new OOS/C referrals. However, you are expected to keep all of your existing OOS/C referrals.

Over the next few months, L&I will clean up the data associated with existing OOS/C referrals. This means OOS/C referrals will transfer from their current branches to your firm’s specific OOS/C hub.

Branches located outside Washington will be deactivated after their referrals have transferred to the firm’s new OOS/C hub. 

For detailed information about the hub, go to the OOS/C referral hub FAQs.

For questions, email Vocational Recovery Project.