Contact information
If you need to contact us, please have your claim number, date of birth and date of injury ready.

Get quick claim information by phone

Fast, automated updates on the status of your claim in English or Spanish (en Español): 800-831-5227

For general information you can call a customer service representative in English or Spanish (en Español): 1-800-LISTENS (1-800-547-8367)

Hearing/speech impaired TDD service: 360-902-5797

Keep your information updated

  • Mailing address changes: Address changes at L&I must be made in writing via fax or mail, include your claim number and authorizing signature. You can also update your information online in the https://secure.lni.wa.gov/home/.

Doctor changes: Let us know online using Claim & Account Center or use the Transfer of Care form (F245‑037‑000).

Calling your Claim Manager

Every claim managed by L&I is assigned a claim manager, and there are times when you might need to speak with your claim manager directly. Your claim manager's phone number is located on all correspondence. You may also contact your local L&I office and ask for a phone referral. Your claim manager should call you within 48 hours.


Sometimes, a claim manager will request an Independent Medical Exam (IME) to help ensure you receive appropriate care for your workplace injury or occupational disease.

  • If you have questions about your scheduled exam, please contact the Department of Labor & Industries’ IME scheduling unit at 1-800-468-7870.
  •  If you wish to send us comments about your exam experience, you may send them to us via email at IMEComplaints@Lni.wa.gov, or you can call 360-902-6818 or, complete an IME Exam Comments Form (F245-053-000) or call 1-888-784-8059 to request a comment form. You can specify your preferred language.
  • If you have other questions about your claim, please call The Office of Information and Assistance at 1-800-547-8367.

Get the most up-to-date, complete information about your claim by using the secure online Claim and Account Center. To create an account, go to the Claim & Account Center to establish your user id and password. You will need your claim number to log on.

In the Claim and Account Center you will be able to:

  • See status changes to your claim
  • Send a secure message to your claim manager
  • Update work status
  • Find your claim benefits and payment history
  • Find contacts information for your Claim manager, employer and provider
  • Search for a medical provider in your area
  • Pay a balance due
  • Read claim file notes and medical reports
  • Learn what is covered your claim

Web support for our online Claim & Account Center: 360-902-5999 or email WebSupport@Lni.wa.gov.