The Self-Insurance Electronic Data Reporting System (SIEDRS) is an electronic system to collect claim information on self-insured employers.
Participation matters. Claim data can help L&I understand the performance of the self-insured community, which helps inform and guide policy.
L&I uses the collected information to produce quarterly SIEDRS reports so that self-insurers have visibility to data.
All Self-Insured Employers must submit an initial SIEDRS Enrollment Form (F207-193-000) to L&I to enroll in the SIEDRS program.
All Self-Insurers may self-administer or use a TPA to submit SIEDRS data to L&I.
Submitters is the term for Self-Administered Employers and Third-Party Administrators (TPAs) that electronically submit SIEDRS data for Self-Insured Employers.
It is the Self-Insured Employer (not the submitter, if different) which will ultimately be held accountable for compliance with the SIEDRS statute and rules. Therefore, it is important for Self-Insured Employers to monitor SIEDRS reporting activities and respond if issues arise.
All self-insurers must send this claim data to L&I at least once a month. Detailed information on topics such as registration, system requirements, and error correction obligations are available in the SIEDRS Guide (previously known as the SIEDRS Enrollment Package F207-194-000).
The SIEDRS Guide contains a detailed section about troubleshooting errors, including tips for correcting a large variety of error messages. Please reference it when you encounter an error you do not understand.
Here is a quick reference for SIEDRS submitters about troubleshooting errors.
Where do I find my error report?
After SIEDRS processes your file submission, it sends an automated confirmation message to your SIEDRS point of contact’s email address. This message also communicates whether there were any errors. If there were, it directs you to log in to your account to retrieve the error files.
When are error corrections due?
Corrections to errors are due within 10 calendar days after notification of errors.
How do I know what to correct? How do I correct it?
Your error report groups errors under headings that communicate what to do about them. When it says, “please correct and resubmit”, correct the data in your system, such as by inputting missing data elements, and resubmit it in a new SIEDRS file. Each submitter’s system is unique in how SIEDRS data is extracted. You may need to work with your IT department to ensure that the correct data is being sent.
Do not resubmit data elements that your error report says not to resubmit. These usually indicate that data does not match between your system and L&I’s, such as a claim closure date or claimant name. Check your system first and correct these as needed without resubmitting them.
The data in my system is correct. How do I correct an error when L&I’s data is wrong?
If you believe L&I’s data contains a mistake, you can request that we correct it by submitting a data change request form using one of the secure submission options described on the top of the form. Please include supporting documentation according to the data element you need changed in the table below. If the error concerns a different data element, email SIEDRS support for assistance.
Data element to be changed | Recommended supporting document(s) |
UBI | None required |
Date Entered | None required |
Claimant First Name | Provider’s Initial Report (PIR), medical documents, and/or SIF-2 |
Claimant Last Name | Provider’s Initial Report (PIR), medical documents, and/or SIF-2 |
Claimant Middle Name | Provider’s Initial Report (PIR), medical documents, and/or SIF-2 |
Claimant Social Security Number | Provider’s Initial Report (PIR), medical documents, and/or SIF-2 |
Date of Birth | Provider’s Initial Report (PIR), medical documents, and/or SIF-2 |
Closure Date | Copy of closure order |
The SIEDRS Guide provides detailed instructions for how to post files for SIEDRS processing.
How often is data due?
Per WAC 296-15-231, each self-insured employer must report all claims opened during a calendar month, as well as any updates made during that month, by the tenth calendar day of the following month. Data can be submitted more often, but not more than once per day.
What if I don’t have anything new to report?
When a self-insurer has no new data to report, they must still submit a file. In this case, set the claim count for the employer to “0”, but still include their account in the extract. This will prevent SIEDRS from reporting a missing file for that month.
When are error corrections due?
Submit extract files containing corrected claim data within 10 calendar days of error posting by SIEDRS. This extract file may also contain other claim updates.
When will I get confirmation that my file was processed?
SIEDRS processes all newly posted extract files at approximately 12:00 a.m. Pacific Standard Time (PST) each day, including weekends and holidays. Normally, SIEDRS posts error files and error reports by 9:00 a.m. (PST).
Frequently Asked Questions:
Accessing Managed File Transfer (MFT) to submit or retrieve files
1. What does MFT stand for?
Managed File Transfer. This technology enables secure transfer of data between organizations.
2. Whom do I contact to get a new SIEDRS password for the MFT site?
Use the ‘Reset Password’ link on to have a password reset email sent to the SIEDRS contact email L&I has on file. If this does not work, you may have been locked out of your account for too many password attempts. Contact to have your account unlocked.
Errors and data correction
3. Do I need to submit a corrected name on a Data Change Request (DCR) form?
You do not need to submit a Data Change Request to correct a name unless there has been a legal name change or a significant error when establishing the worker’s identity. Error messages regarding name discrepancies are informational and do not require corrections to remain in compliance with SIEDRS rules.
4. When correcting an error, can I resend all of the claim details instead of just the failed elements?
Address the errors first. If you send payment data that has previously been submitted, you will get duplicate payment errors. It is best to submit only the required data elements and any corrected elements.
5. Do you have a list of the level of SIEDRS errors?
Please refer to the SIEDRS Guide for a detailed description of types and levels of errors.
6. When are error corrections considered late?
Required error corrections are due within 10 days of the notice of the error. After that time, they are considered late.
7. What happens when I cannot correct an error?
Reach out to SIEDRS Support any time you cannot correct an error. We may be able to help you correct it.
8. How do I get help correcting errors?
Contact SIEDRS Support at
9. I did not get my error report. What do I do?
Log in to and check your retrieve folder. If the report you are looking for is not there, contact SIEDRS Support at
10. Why did I get more than one error report?
To avoid timeout errors when processing large files, SIEDRS automatically splits them into multiple parts before processing. When it does this, it produces a separate set of error files for each part. Do not split your file before submission – let the system take care of that if it is needed to ensure you do not exceed the one file per day limit.
File submission requirements
11. If I submitted data through SIEDRS, do I still need to send an SIF-2?
Yes. All documents for the management of a claim are still required.
12. Do I need to encrypt my files before submitting to MFT?
No, you do not need to encrypt your files. MFT encrypts the files and will not allow them if they are already encrypted.
13. What data elements should be sent for a new claim?
Please refer to the data dictionary in the SIEDRS Guide for a complete list of required data elements and when to send them.
14. How often can I submit data to SIEDRS?
You can submit up to one file per day. If you submit more than one file in a day, SIEDRS will reject all of them and return a file-level error on your error report.
15. When is SIEDRS data considered late?
Your SIEDRS submission file is considered late when 41 or more days has elapsed since the last time your data was submitted. Data for specific claims could be considered late even if your files are submitted on time when you submit the data past the month that they were due. This is because all claims opened or updated during a calendar month must be reported by the 10th day of the following calendar month.
16. I am receiving late file submission messages for an employer I do not report data for anymore because they switched TPAs. How can I get them off my list?
SIEDRS notifies the last submitter who sent data for an employer when their data has not been submitted in 41 or more days. If you no longer submit their data, you can disregard. Their name will appear on your list until the new TPA gets their SIEDRS reporting online.
17. I did not get a confirmation email when my data was processed. How can I find out if my file was submitted successfully?
Contact SIEDRS support any time you have a question about whether your data was processed.
18. I got a notification that my data has not been submitted in 41 or more days. What do I do?
This notification means your data has not been submitted as required, and you may be subject to a penalty per WAC 296-15-231.
If you are a self-insured employer and your data is submitted by your third party administrator, contact your third party administrator.
If you are a self-insured employer and you submit your own data, check your file submission processes. Contact SIEDRS Support if you require assistance.
If you are a third party administrator and submit data on behalf of self-insured employers, this notification may contain multiple employer names. Check your file submission processes to ensure that you submit a file for each of the self-insured employer’s accounts you are responsible for. Data must be submitted at least once a month, even if they have no new data to report. Contact SIEDRS Support if you require assistance.
19. I accidentally uploaded two files in one day. What do I do?
Contact SIEDRS Support as soon as possible once you notice. There is a chance we can delete one of the files before SIEDRS processes them for the day. Otherwise, you must wait until the next day to submit your file again. If needed, you can work with your IT department to combine multiple files into one submission.
20. When do I need to use the SIEDRS test system?
Only new submitters are required to use the SIEDRS test system. You may request to use the test system when implementing major technology changes in your organization so as not to interrupt current SIEDRS submission processes.
21. How do I use the SIEDRS test system?
Contact SIEDRS Support at with as much advance notice as you can when you need to use the test system. We will ensure the test environment is ready and provide further instructions.
Other questions
22. Do I need to enroll in SIEDRS on an annual basis?
No. Once you are enrolled in SIEDRS, you do not have to re-enroll on an annual basis.
23. I am a new self-insured employer and have a third-party administrator who will be submitting my claims through SIEDRS. They are enrolled and have been issued a SIEDRS ID. Do I also need to enroll in SIEDRS?
Yes, as a self-insured employer, you need to enroll in SIEDRS, even if you are not submitting your own data.
24. I changed TPAs. Do I need to do anything with SIEDRS?
When you change TPAs, ensure your SIEDRS reporting is successfully taken over by your new TPA. Check your SIEDRS point of contact email address to make sure that you receive notifications regarding your SIEDRS activity. You can do this by contacting SIEDRS support at
Contact SIEDRS Support at for further assistance.