Do I need a license?
If you:
- manufacture
- sell
- purchase
- store
- or use explosives (i.e. blasting, R&D testing, mining, etc.)
And you're not:
- a federal/military employee
- a laboratory researcher in a university (using less than 1 lb of explosives)
Then, yes - you will need a Washington State Explosives License.
Read sections WAC 296-52-61005 through 66060 to understand what license you need, then fill out the form best for you:
- Blaster's License Application (F447-033-000)
- Dealer's License Application (F447-034-000)
- Manufacturer's License Application (F447-035-000)
- Purchaser's License Application (F447-036-000)
- Storage License Application (F447-037-000)
Background Checks:
- Fingerprint Background checks are required by law
- Fingerprint cards are the same everywhere (Standard FBI FD-258).
Here is an example of how to fill it out
- Mail your fingerprints to:
Explosives Licensing
PO Box 44655
Olympia, WA 98504-4655
A resume with your experience and training is required for a User’s license.
There is no specified form, but here is an example that meets minimum requirements (WAC 296-52-64030 through 64040).
Training and experience must be documented and validated by:
- Certificate of training
- Signed statement of the trainer/blaster
- Interview (in person or by phone) by L&I
- Everything except fingerprints can be emailed to
IMPORTANT: Only individuals can be licensed as Users (Blasters) after passing a written test administered by L&I.
* Note: Active Law Enforcement personnel are exempt from background check requirements
Washington law only allows for 1 year licenses. Notices are sent out
- 60 days before the license expires (Renewal)
- 30 days before expiration (Reminder)
- The day of expiration (Failure to Renew)
- 30 days after expiration (Cancellation)
Important: you can cancel your license at any time. Just tell us.
Send your payment AND renewal notice to us
- in the mail (only checks allowed by mail); or
- bring both to any L&I office
Background Checks*
- Fingerprint Background checks are required every third year by law
- Mail your fingerprints to:
Explosives Licensing
PO Box 44655
Olympia, WA 4655
Changes happen. Small changes like Address, phone, email:
- contact us by phone Explosives Licensing and Safety at 360-902-5563 or 360-902-5569, email to or mail anytime; or
- cross off the old and write in the new information on your renewal notice
Responsible Person
Is your Responsible Person moving, retiring, or something similar? To change a Responsible Person on a license:
- Fill out the Change of Responsible Person (F447-032-000) form; and
- Submit the form (with fingerprints and background check fee if the person is not already licensed with L&I for explosives):
Explosives Licensing
PO Box 44655
Olympia, WA 4655
* Note: Active Law Enforcement personnel are exempt from background check requirements
Explosives Dealer's Records
Explosives Dealers must report transactions of all explosives bought and sold in Washington by the 10th of the month (RCW 70.74.230 and WAC 296-52-62045)
- You can use the form below (with the information required by law); or
- Your own form (as long as it has the information on this form) Explosives Dealer's Records (F447-013-000)
Any record we require can be scanned/emailed to
Blasting Report
Blasters in Charge must create a Blast Record as described in WAC 296-52-67010(8). You can use this form or make your own.
Washington State
- Washington Safety Standards for Possession, Handling and Use of Explosives WAC 296-52.
- Washington State Explosives Act, Chapter 70.74 RCW.
- State Fireworks Law, Chapter 70.77 RCW.
- Federal Explosives Rules and Regulations (ATF).
- Federal Explosives Laws and Regulations (ATF P 5400.7).
Explosives rulemaking and stakeholder group (ESSG)
Beginning October 4, 2017, L&I began revising Washington Code regarding Safety Standards for Possession, Handling, and Use of Explosives (WAC 296-52) with a group of 21 leaders from private industry, government, and law enforcement from across the state. Progress has been very good and we are almost done revising this code.
We can only accept payments 2 ways:
- Send a check in the mail to the Explosives Licensing office
- Use cash/check/credit card at any L&I office:
We’re working on online payments- let us know your thoughts on this
Can I send my documents by e-mail?
Yes. You can send anything but payments and fingerprints by email to Sometimes its smarter to keep them all together though.
Do I need a permit to use explosives?
Maybe. Permits are issued by cities or counties in Washington. Contact your local Fire Marshal to find out.
Why do we need a license?
It’s the law. Explosives are powerful tools that are misused worldwide by criminals and terrorists. Licensing helps us control and prevent this.
Who do I call if blasting seems unsafe or uncontrolled?
L&I Explosives Licensing and Safety at 360-902-5563 or 360-902-5569 or email to
I thought explosives were just for military use, what else are explosives used for?
Explosives have many important uses in:
- mining, quarrying, construction and demolition,
- avalanche control, firefighting, law enforcement,
- manufacturing, logging, agriculture,
- seismology (studying earthquakes) and even medicine to fracture kidney and gall stones.
Will blasting near my home damage my foundation?
Probably not. Thousands of blast occur every year in Washington. Very few cause any damage. Some are confused with earthquakes (which cause much more damage).
Is blasting at night illegal?
No, but it is discouraged.