Fisher Scones maker fined for most occurrences ever of overworking teens

December 16, 2020

TUMWATER — The maker of popular Fisher Scones has been cited for more than 1,500 instances of teens working beyond hours allowed under state law — the most occurrences the Washington State Department of Labor & Industries (L&I) has ever uncovered in an investigation of work-hour violations involving minors.

Conifer Specialties Inc., of Woodinville, has until Dec. 23 to appeal the citation, which included a $45,100 fine. John Patrick Heily owns the company, which started in 1977 and makes specialty foods, including scones.

"Child labor laws exist to strike a balance between providing a meaningful work experience for young people and keeping them safe on the job," said Josie Bryan, Youth Employment Specialist for L&I. "The goal is to ensure a youth’s health, well-being, and educational opportunities."

The report of a teen injured using a commercial-grade mixer started the investigation, which covered August-November, 2019. In all, 78 youths ages 14-15 and 139 ages 16-17, were involved. The investigation found 1,560 instances of teens working beyond hours allowed under law. Of those, 426 were violations of teens working during school hours.

"It is imperative for employers to understand that it is against the law for a teen to work during school hours, even in these times with remote learning," said Bryan.

She noted this includes teens being home schooled, attending private school, or not enrolled in school. Companies can apply for a variance with L&I to allow minors to work more hours, Bryan added.

There were also more than 100 instances of teens missing meal breaks. Bryan said meal breaks can help prevent on-the-job injuries.

Working hours

During times when school is in session, work hours for youth break down this way:

  • Ages 14-15 can work no more than 16 hours a week, or no more than three hours
    a day, six days a week, between 7 a.m. and 7 p.m.
  • Ages 16-17 can work no more than 20 hours a week, or no more than four hours
    a day, six days a week, between 7 a.m. and 10 p.m.

Employers can obtain a minor work variance to extend the daily and total hours for teens. Work hours for teens change during week-long holidays and summer.

More information about work requirements for teens is available L&I's teen workers website, and simply clicking on "Hours of Work." There is also information about prohibited duties and how to hire teens.

For media information:

Matthew Erlich, L&I Public Affairs, 360-902-6508

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