Get a Drug Authorization

How do I request authorization?

Check to see if the drug requires authorization – see drug lookup tool.

Check to see if the drug has an authorization form and fax the completed form to the number(s) listed on the form:

If the drug does not have a prior authorization form:

  • Call the Preferred Drug List (PDL) Hotline at 888-443-6798 or 360-902-4321
    • Monday – Friday 8 a.m. – 5 p.m.
  • Have the following information before calling:
    • Patient’s name and claim number.
    • Prescriber’s name.
    • Drug name and strength.
    • Condition being treated.
    • Any previous drug trials.

How do I get authorization after-hours?

For prescriptions dispensed outside normal business hours, you may:

  • Bill the drug under the patient's primary insurance or for straight cash transaction and then request authorization the next business day. The prescription can be rebilled as appropriate, or
  • Bill for an emergency supply (up to 10 days) of the drug by entering “6” in the DAW field and then request authorization the next business day, or
  • Wait to bill the prescription and request authorization the next business day.