Event Details

Equal Pay & Opportunities Act (EPOA) (SHB 1905 Implementation)

Public Hearing on Proposed Rules
Tuesday, March 4, 2025
3:30 p.m.


To join on your computer or mobile app (Zoom):
Passcode: EPOA2025!

To join by phone (audio only):
Meeting ID: 824 0565 2366

A pre-hearing overview will begin at 3:00 p.m. The hearing will start at 3:30 p.m. and will continue until all oral comments are received.

L&I encourages the submittal of written comments, due by 5:00 p.m. on March 19, 2025.


The purpose of this rulemaking is to propose rules to implement Substitute House Bill 1905 (SHB 1905), Chapter 353, Laws of 2024. SHB 1905 expands existing protections against pay and promotion discrimination based on gender found in Chapter 49.58 RCW, the Equal Pay and Opportunities Act. SHB 1905 extends the protections to additional protected classes including but not limited to age, race, and sexual orientation. L&I is proposing rules to clarify and implement the provisions of SHB 1905 under a new chapter, Chapter 296-123 WAC, Equal Pay and Opportunities. L&I is also proposing rules to clarify other requirements created by Chapter 49.58 RCW, including: (1) The free discussion of wages and salary; (2) Protection against retaliation; (3) Wage and salary history privacy; and (4) Disclosure of wage scale, salary range, and benefits on a job posting. The proposed rules explain L&I’s enforcement of Chapter 49.58 RCW, and describe L&I’s complaint investigation and resolution processes.