Event Details

Ergonomics: Scheduled Airlines - Ground Crew Operations (Broad scoping meeting for all industries/risk classes)

Stakeholder Meeting on Rulemaking
Thursday, January 9, 2025
10 a.m. – Noon


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In 2023, the Washington State Legislature authorized the Department of Labor & Industries (L&I) to adopt ergonomic rules to prevent strains, sprains, and other work-related musculoskeletal disorders (WMSDs) in industries or risk classes that have a compensable workers’ compensation claim rate greater than two times the statewide rate (RCW 49.17.520). L&I can only adopt one rule within a 12-month period for either an industry or a risk classification.

L&I filed a Preproposal Statement of Inquiry (CR-101) on October 29, 2024, to initiate rulemaking to develop rules to address the hazards of WMSDs in the Scheduled Airlines - Ground Crew Operations, Risk Class 6802 (WAC 296-17A-6802).

As this is the first industry/risk class-specific rulemaking effort, with others to follow, the rule development process will start with broad scoping conversations. The purpose is to gather input from interested parties on key components that L&I should consider for future industry/risk class specific rules (see the “Ergonomic Rule Development Roadmap”).

Upcoming Meeting:
L&I will hold the first broad scoping meeting on January 9, 2025, for interested parties across all industries/risk classes. The purpose of this meeting is to help ensure a common understanding of the new law, WMSD hazards, and ergonomics to build on as the rule development process continues. The presentation will be on the Ergonomics, Scheduled Airlines Ground Crew Operations Rulemaking webpage at least a week prior to the meeting.

Scoping Questions:
L&I is asking for input from interested parties across all industries/risk classes on the first set of scoping questions. Please submit written feedback to the scoping questions via email by January 27, 2025, to RulemakingErgo@Lni.wa.gov.

1. What concerns do you have as L&I starts the first rulemaking?
2. What information should L&I discuss at future meetings? Is there specific information L&I should prioritize for the next meeting?
3. What other information do you think L&I should be considering as the first rulemaking is starting?
4. As L&I starts the rulemaking process for industry/risk class-specific rules, should L&I strive for consistency in developing the rules? How should L&I consider differences in industries/risk classes?
5. Should the industry/risk class-specific rules cover all WMSD risk factors, or should L&I look to industry/risk class information and data to identify those hazards most associated with the risk of injury?

Contact information:
For questions about this rulemaking, please email RulemakingErgo@Lni.wa.gov.

Please see the Ergonomics, Scheduled Airlines Ground Crew Operations Rulemaking Activity Information Page for more information regarding this rulemaking.

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