Event Details
Factory Assembled Structures Advisory Board
Advisory Committee or Board Meeting10 a.m.
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Meeting ID: 884 8220 5427
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1-253-215-8782, 88482205427#, *7568979035# US (Tacoma)
1-301-715-8592, 88482205427#, *7568979035# US (Washington DC)
L&I adopted a fee increase to support operating expenses for L&I’s FAS Program that took effect November 1, 2022 (WSR 22-19-074).
L&I filed an emergency rule (CR-103E) on August 16, 2022, under WSR 22-17-070 to expedite plan review for modular buildings, among other structures. This is an extension of the emergency rule already in place in the Washington Administrative Code (WAC) under WSR 22-09-063. The emergency rule allows customers to use an agency-approved licensed professional engineer or architect to review plans for factory-built structures, recreational park trailers, recreational vehicles, and conversion vendor units (such as food trucks). The emergency rule also clarifies what a design plan submission must include and how to submit design plans for approval for commercial coaches and factory-built housing and commercial structures. The emergency rule is set to expire on December 14. L&I is planning to renew the emergency rule for another 120 days.
L&I filed a CR-101 Preproposal Statement of Inquiry (WSR 22-17-071) to consider permanent rules for plan review by licensed professionals.
Updates on the status of these rulemakings will be provided during the quarterly FAS Advisory Board meeting.
Additional information about the FAS Advisory Board may be found here.
Contact information:
Please contact the FAS Program to confirm the date, time, and location of any specific meeting. You can reach FAS Program staff by email at FAS1@Lni.wa.gov or by calling 360-902-6223.