Event Details
Independent Medical Examination (IME) Recording Notification Process and Accompanying Person - Pre-stakeholdering/rule development meeting
Stakeholder Meeting on Rulemaking1 p.m.
Department of Labor & Industries
Room S-119
7273 Linderson Way SW
Tumwater, WA 98501
Olympia-Tumwater, L&I Office Location
To join on your computer or mobile app:
Meeting ID: 936 165 5337
To join by phone (audio only):
253-215-8782 US (Tacoma)
Find your local number: https://lni-wa-gov.zoom.us/u/kdFrdfe0fg
The Department of Labor & Industries will hold a pre-stakeholdering meeting regarding rule development to take comments on the draft IME rules. The purpose of the proposed draft rules are to define the IME recording notification process, clarify the timeframe for notification, and update the existing rule indicating an accompanying person can attend all IMEs.
This virtual, telephonic, and in-person public meeting is scheduled to solicit comments on the proposed draft rulemaking. Written comments will be accepted. The draft rule language will be shared a few days prior to the meeting.
The link to this rulemaking: Independent Medical Examination (IME) Notification Process - Accompanying Person
Written Comments:
Written comments should be sent to Suzy Campbell via one of these methods:
Department of Labor & Industries
PO Box 44270
Olympia WA 98504-4270
Fax: 360-902-5029
E-mail: Suzanne.Campbell@Lni.wa.gov
Contact Information:
If you have additional questions concerning the proposed draft rulemaking, please contact Suzy Campbell at 360-902-5003.