Event Details

Safety Standards for Possession, Handling, and Use of Explosives (Chapter 296-52 WAC)

Stakeholder Meeting on Rulemaking
Wednesday, July 20, 2022
8:30 a.m.


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begins at 8:15 a.m.


The purpose of this Explosives Safety Stakeholder Group (ESSG) meeting is to share with stakeholders current draft language for all parts of chapter 296-52 WAC. At this time, we are planning for an all-day virtual meeting. If needed, a second meeting may be scheduled.

To initiate the rulemaking process, a CR-101 (Pre-proposal statement of inquiry) was filed on January 23, 2018. The Explosives web page contains the meeting agenda and draft language, as well as summaries and documents from previous ESSG stakeholder meetings. Attendees are encouraged to review the current draft language prior to the meeting. If unable to attend, we encourage you to review the draft and submit comments and/or suggested changes for the group to discuss during the meeting. Updates on the Explosives rulemaking process will be posted on the Labor & Industries website.

To sign up to receive email updates on this rulemaking or other topics, log into the Subscriber Preferences Page. You can also update your subscriptions, modify your password or email address, or stop subscriptions at any time.

Contact Information:
Please contact Cathy Coates with questions about this rulemaking: Cathy.coates@Lni.wa.gov or 360-902-5432.
Please contact Dan Massey with any technical questions about this rule: Daniel.massey@Lni.wa.gov or 360-902-5569.