Event Details
Temporary Worker Housing (TWH)
Public Hearing on Proposed Rules
Tuesday, June 20, 2023
3 p.m.
3 p.m.
To join electronically:
Password (if prompted): TWhouse@2
To join by phone (audio only):
253-205-0468 or 253-215-8782
Meeting ID: 857 5427 0385
Passcode: 355402565
A pre-hearing overview will occur at 2:00 p.m., one hour prior to the start of the public hearing. The hearing will begin at 3:00 p.m. and continue until all oral comments are received.
L&I encourages the submittal of written comments, due by 5:00 p.m. on July 7, 2023.
Rules Affected
View the affected rules, purpose, and rulemaking statusPurpose
Labor & Industries, in conjunction with the Washington State Department of Health (DOH), filed Permanent Rulemaking under chapter 296-307 WAC, Safety Standards for Agriculture, to address the hazards of communicable diseases amongst occupants residing in temporary worker housing (TWH). RCW 70.114A.065 directs DOH and L&I to adopt joint rules for the licensing, operation and inspection of temporary worker housing. DOH filed permanent rules under chapter 246-358 WAC, Temporary Worker Housing.