Event Details
Washington State Apprenticeship and Training Council (WSATC) WAC/RCW Subcommittee
Advisory Committee or Board Meeting1 p.m. – 3 p.m.
Join Zoom Meeting:
Meeting ID: 826 6945 6474
Passcode: WAC/RCW1
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+14086380968,,82669456474#,,,,*07826158# US (San Jose)
+16468769923,,82669456474#,,,,*07826158# US (New York)
To join by phone (audio only):
Meeting ID: 826 6945 6474
Passcode: 07826158
Dial by your location:
1-253-215-8782 US (Tacoma)
1-646-876-9923 US (New York)
1-669-900-6833 US (San Jose)
1-408-638-0968 US (San Jose)
1-301-715-8592 US (Washington DC)
1-312-626-6799 US (Chicago)
1-346-248-7799 US (Houston)
Find your local number: https://lni-wa-gov.zoom.us/u/kex8K7vc1p
The Washington State Apprenticeship and Training Council’s (WSATC) WAC/RCW Subcommittee will discuss rulemaking in response to Engrossed Second Substitute Senate Bill 5600 (E2SSB 5600) on Tuesday, July 26, 2022, at 1pm. The meeting is scheduled for 2 hours and will be conducted on ZOOM. The discussion will focus on industry sector-based platforms and new requirements to consider for new apprenticeship program approval.
Additional information about the WSATC may be found here.
Contact information:
For questions, please contact Eric Sackstein at Erik.Sackstein@Lni.wa.gov, or by phone 360-485-3313.