Event Details

Worker Protection Standard - Agriculture (chapter 296-307 WAC, Part I)

Stakeholder Meeting on Rulemaking
Tuesday, April 5, 2022
3 p.m.


Meeting Details
Attendees will need to register at this link:

Or participate by phone (registration not required):
Phone US: 1-253-215-8782
Meeting ID: 842 0342 2182
Passcode: 87208256

Interpretation: Spanish translation services will be provided through the Zoom link via interpreter. Once logging in, select the “Globe” at the bottom in the row of icons. This will allow you to select “English” or “Spanish.” Select Spanish and you will be connected to the interpreter.

Session will open at 2:45 to allow participants time to test sound or request technical assistance, if needed.


The Department of Labor and Industries (L&I) is conducting rulemaking to better align chapter 296-307 WAC, Safety standards for agriculture, Part I, Pesticides (Worker Protection Standard) with Washington State Department of Agriculture (WSDA) requirements, and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Worker Protection Standard found at 40 CFR, Part 170.

L&I and WSDA invite interested stakeholders to this virtual stakeholder meeting. During the meeting, L&I and WSDA will provide a brief presentation covering why L&I and WSDA believe rulemaking is necessary and share the current draft language, followed by an open forum for questions and comments. L&I and WSDA welcome stakeholder feedback.

Meeting materials:
Meeting materials available on the Worker Protection Standard rulemaking page.

Contact information:
Please contact Cathy Coates with any rulemaking or meeting questions.
Please contact David Gaw with questions regarding Zoom or interpreter services.
Please contact Bradley Farrar (L&I), Tim Schultz (WSDA), or Kelly Davis (WSDA) with any technical questions about this rule.

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