Chapter 296-307 WAC, Safety Standards for Agriculture, Part Y-11 Rulemaking

The purpose of this rulemaking is to create Part Y-11 Pre-Commercial Thinning (PCT) and add to Chapter 296-307 WAC, Safety Standards for Agriculture, to establish minimum health and safety requirements for Pre-commercial thinning (PCT).

The rulemaking will ultimately benefit the safety and health of employer/employees working in this industry, and improve the safety and health of Washington residents.

The requirements in this part will apply to employers and employees in the state of Washington engaged in reforestation, (including pre-commercial thinning), timber tracts, Christmas tree growing; and, tree farms.

Stakeholder meetings are open to the public and will include representatives from business, labor, and government. Meeting dates, locations, agendas and meeting summaries will be posted on this page.

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