Public Records
The Labor & Industries (L&I) Public Records Unit business days and hours will be 8 a.m. through 5 p.m. Monday through Fridays, not including legal holidays.
File a public records request
Submit a public records request online.
To help us locate the records you need, please provide as much information as possible, such as:
- Your contact information
- Details about the records you are requesting:
- Subject name (person, business)
- Citation/Infraction/Case number
- Type of incident (safety inspection, audit, citation, wage investigation)
- Date of incident
- Timeframe of records
- UBI number
- Account ID number
- Is the case in or potentially in appeal or litigation? If yes, please check the appeal/litigation box so we can properly process your request.
- Are you requesting records on behalf of someone else? You will need their authorization for us to release their records.
- To prove authorization, you will need to provide one of the following with your request:
- A signed authorization to release:
- Confidential Tax Information Authorization form (DOR),
- Authorization to Release Records (F101-173-000), or
- A signed letter from a party to the records.
- A signed authorization to release:
- To prove authorization, you will need to provide one of the following with your request:
- Attorneys only: Washington State Bar Association number and stating in request what party you represent.
Other ways to submit a request
- Fill out the Request for Public Records (F101-009-000)
- Email, fax, or mail the form
- Email:
Find L&I public data and records online
- Go to the Claim & Account Center to view your claim information.
- Get public data files, including:
- Injury and fatality statistics
- Facts, figures, and look-up tools
- Medical provider reports
- Rates and rating
- Workers' comp files
- View electrical inspections and permits.
- Find a list of licensed contractors through Washington State's Open Data Portal.
- Find contractor status and information using the Verify a Contractor, Tradesperson or Business tool.
- Visit our enforcement policies page to view manuals regarding the internal operations of DOSH.
- Questions about Employer Accounts? See Do I Need a Workers' Compensation Account?
- Get a list of Washington State contracts, for master contract sales, including the customer, vendor payments, and vendors.
- L&I rules - L&I's Washington Administrative Codes (WAC)
- See information about fatalities and hospitalizations.
Help us, help you — tips for requests
- Make your request in writing, or submit your request online.
- Identify that you are making a public record request.
- Indicate if you are or may be in the appeal or litigation process.
- Unsure what to ask for? Contact Public Records at 360-902-5556. We are more than happy to have a conversation with you about what records may be most helpful and where would be the best place to start.
- Reference the public records number assigned to your request if you have questions regarding your request.
- Notify the agency if you are no longer interested in additional records or a certain type of records.
- If you have questions or concerns about the processing of your records request, please let us know.
- Do not combine a public records request with other correspondence or other requests for assistance.
- Look at the agency’s website prior to submitting a request. Your records may be available online.
Appeal or litigation?
- Check the appeal/litigation box if you are requesting records because you are or are thinking of appealing an agency action or in litigation. We will properly process your request if you identify that you are in appeal or litigation.
- Promptly submit your request online if you are appealing or in litigation.
Public records fees
For L&I’s public records fee schedule, see WAC 296-06-120.
Payments can be made online at Pay A Balance Due
Please note that fees will be waived when:
- The requestor or their representative requests a copy of their own individual case file, or
- An employer or its representative requests a copy of the case file for an employee/claimant.
- These files include, but are not limited to:
- Employer audit
- Safety and health inspection file
- Wage and hour investigation file
- Construction compliance investigation file
- Provider investigation file and no other records
Laws and rules
Public Records Act (RCW 42.56) is Washington's basic law regarding inspection and copyright of public records. The law also lists specific exemptions and limitations related to the records.
For a full list of exemptions that have been cited in the denial of public records requests at the Department of Labor and Industries, please see the L&I Exemption Log.
Labor and Industries Records Index
State agencies are required to hold and destroy records according to a general retention schedule, which all State Agencies use, and specific agency retention schedules. These schedules offer an overview of the types of records held by the agency.
The link below will take you to the State Government General Records Retention Schedule and the Labor and Industries Records Retention Schedule.
Public record rule updates
There is currently no rulemaking in process.
Contact Public Disclosure
- Email:
- Phone: 360-902-5556
- Fax: 360-902-5529
Mailing Address
Washington StateDepartment of Labor & Industries
Public Records Unit
PO Box 44632
Olympia, WA 98504-4632