We are accepting applications for work rehabilitation programs in Washington. L&I requirements can be found in the work rehabilitation program standards.

Programs need to include physical therapy and occupational therapy. We consider exceptions on a case-by case basis.

Services outside of Washington

We will consider using an out-of-state program on a case-by-case basis. If you receive a request to provide work rehabilitation (work conditioning/hardening), contact us to see if your program qualifies.


To become a work rehabilitation provider:

Step 1: Ensure your clinic has an L&I  provider account number.

Step 2: Submit your Application.

How to add a new clinician to your approved Work Rehabilitation clinic

  1. Go into OneHealthPort and choose Single Sign-On. From there, you can Register and/or Login. When logging in, select ProviderOne as the participating site.
  2. Once logged in, select Manage Provider Information or Initiate New Enrollment
  3. When you reach Step 3 Add Specializations:
    • Choose the Available Taxonomy code labeled Ergonomics and move it into the Associated Taxonomy Code area. Submit this modification. This will notify us you want to have the Work Hardening 81 specialty added to the clinician’s individual provider number.